Zero Gravity Massage Chairs

Our zero gravity massage chairs will provide you with the full body therapeutic massage you need from your neck to your toes.  They put you in the same position astronauts assume upon blast off, but unlike a space launch, these chairs are designed to help you relax.  The highly reclined position takes stress off of your spine and elevates your feet and legs over your heart while the chair massages your entire body.  You have over 10 settings to choose from.

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How it works

The weightlessness of zero gravity chairs causes a deep relaxation and healing on a physical and mental level, where your body is suspended in a neutral position, so your feet are in alignment with your heart. This elevation decompresses the spine and helps oxygenate the heart. The chairs conduct a body scan to measure the length of your spine. Your arms and legs are held in place using a compression system that pulsates to increase the movement of fluids out of the limbs. The foot and calf massage system will gently massage your legs while the foot rollers are an extra that feels so good. Once you turn on the therapeutic lumbar heater, you will feel a day’s stress and tension melt away.

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Relaxes and loosens sore muscles

Improves flexibility

Helps with headaches and pains

Improves blood flow

Reduces anxiety, tension and stress

Helps to boost your immune system